Plan Sea: Ocean Interventions to Address Climate Change
“Plan Sea” focuses on ocean-based climate solutions that seek to remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere (carbon dioxide removal) or reduce incoming solar radiation (solar radiation modification). The podcast scrutinizes risks and benefits of these options, as well as matters of governance, stakeholder engagement, ethics, and politics.
Plan Sea: Ocean Interventions to Address Climate Change
Cultivating and Sinking Sargassum for CO2 Uptake with Seafields Solutions
Dr. Franziska Elmer and John Auckland join Wil Burns and new cohost Anna Madlener on the podcast to discuss the startup Seafields Solutions.
Seafields uses compressed sargassum bales to function as natural “carbon batteries.” The bales are sunk into the abyssal plain of the ocean, which will local away the CO2 for millennia.
Franziska and John tell you about their company and their process where they discuss how their company will work towards getting permitting, third-party impact assessments, and navigating the rules of regulation in order to accomplish their goals.
Seafileds Website: https://www.seafields.eco/
Plan Sea is a semi-weekly podcast exploring ocean-based climate solutions, brought to you by the Carbon to Sea Initiative & the American University Institute for Responsible Carbon Removal.