Plan Sea: Ocean Interventions to Address Climate Change
“Plan Sea” focuses on ocean-based climate solutions that seek to remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere (carbon dioxide removal) or reduce incoming solar radiation (solar radiation modification). The podcast scrutinizes risks and benefits of these options, as well as matters of governance, stakeholder engagement, ethics, and politics.
Plan Sea: Ocean Interventions to Address Climate Change
Mike Kelland of Planetary Technologies on Ocean Alkalinity Enhancement Policy and Community Engagement
Mike Kelland, CEO and co-founder of Planetary Technologies, an ocean alkalinity enhancement (OAE) startup from Canada, joins Plan Sea on this new episode.
Mike, Anna and Wil discuss the basics, science and challenges surrounding ocean alkalinity enhancement — a method whereby the capacity of ocean water to draw down additional CO2 from the atmosphere is increased by increasing the alkalinity of this water.
The better part of this episode focuses on the most recent challenges of Planetary around their community engagement and their first planned pilot site in Cornwall, UK. Mike shares learnings, insights and future outlook on the research needed for OAE to reduce uncertainties.
Some more resources to learn about OAE and Planetary:
Planetary website
Details about the Cornwall pilot
Carbon Removal Newsroom with Will Burt, Head of Ocean Science and Pete Chargin, VP of Commercialization and Community Relations
The Ocean Embassy at the Ocean Visions summit, featuring Will Burt on Monitoring, Reporting and Verification
The Ocean Embassy with Dr. Lennart Bach: What is Ocean Alkalinity Enhancement?
Plan Sea is a semi-weekly podcast exploring ocean-based climate solutions, brought to you by the Carbon to Sea Initiative & the American University Institute for Responsible Carbon Removal.