Plan Sea: Ocean Interventions to Address Climate Change
“Plan Sea” focuses on ocean-based climate solutions that seek to remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere (carbon dioxide removal) or reduce incoming solar radiation (solar radiation modification). The podcast scrutinizes risks and benefits of these options, as well as matters of governance, stakeholder engagement, ethics, and politics.
Plan Sea: Ocean Interventions to Address Climate Change
Dr. Matt Eisaman and Frances Simpson-Allen on Ebb Carbon's Ocean Alkalinity Enhancement Approach and Developments
Dr. Matt Eisaman and Frances Simpson-Allen join Plan Sea to discuss Ebb Carbon's marine carbon dioxide removal approach and their latest developments. Matt is a cofounder and Chief Scientist as well as Associate Professor at Yale University in the Department of Earth & Planetary Sciences and the Yale Center for Natural Carbon Capture (YCNCC). Frances is their Director for Policy and Market Development.
We discuss the necessity of field trials, challenges on their path to scaleup, as well as very importantly the relevance and importance of social engagement strategies. Particularly, we converse about Ebb's most recent public-private partnerships and plans for the upcoming year. As always, we also dive into the world of regulation and policy and how that interacts with Ebb's approach and operation.
Plan Sea is a semi-weekly podcast exploring ocean-based climate solutions, brought to you by the Carbon to Sea Initiative & the American University Institute for Responsible Carbon Removal.