Plan Sea: Ocean Interventions to Address Climate Change
“Plan Sea” focuses on ocean-based climate solutions that seek to remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere (carbon dioxide removal) or reduce incoming solar radiation (solar radiation modification). The podcast scrutinizes risks and benefits of these options, as well as matters of governance, stakeholder engagement, ethics, and politics.
Plan Sea: Ocean Interventions to Address Climate Change
Dr. Jaime Palter and Dr. Dariia Atamanchuk Share Insights from Cutting-Edge OAE Field Research
This new episode features two OAE researchers and their insights from conducting field research as well as a special request to you, our listeners!
In this edition of Plan Sea, hosts Anna Madlener and Wil Burns are joined by two leading ocean alkalinity enhancement (OAE) researchers: Dr. Jaimie Palter from the University of Rhode Island’s School of Oceanography and Dr. Dariia Atamanchuk from Dalhousie University’s Department of Oceanography. Palter and Atamanchuk both lead field research sites studying OAE and are part of Carbon to Sea’s Field Research Steering Committee.
Palter and Atamanchuk discuss their work leading field research sites studying OAE in coastal lagoon and ocean harbor settings, respectively, and share initial findings. The Plan Sea hosts and this episode’s guests underscore the importance of field research guiding the recommendation for scientifically robust, yet affordable and actionable monitoring, reporting, and verification (MRV) processes, and encourage greater collaboration between projects and across the sector.
Also: we would like to hear from you, our listeners, before our next episode! Let us know what 2024 milestone we should be celebrating or what you hope to see in 2025 by leaving us a voice message here that may be used in our next episode!
Acronyms used throughout the episode:
- NOAA NOPP – National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s National Oceanographic Partnership Program (1:47)
- AGU - American Geophysical Union (2:00)
- MRV - Monitoring, Reporting, and Verification (13:25)
- pCO2 - Partial pressure of carbon dioxide (34:58)
- EPA - Environmental Protection Agency (56:27)
Plan Sea is a semi-weekly podcast exploring ocean-based climate solutions, brought to you by the Carbon to Sea Initiative & the American University Institute for Responsible Carbon Removal.